
It is a surprising fact that only 3 out of 10 people ever make a Will. The other 7 will have no say about who should carry out their wishes after their death, how their estate will be divided up after their death or who should have legal responsibility for looking after their infant children.

People often put off making Wills for all sorts of reasons, but it is a simple and painless process which does not cost much and which will enable you to say what you want to happen to your assets after your death. You may think that you do not have enough money to need a Will, but once you have added up the value of your house, car, personal possessions, savings and insurance policies as well as any investments you have you will realise that you have more than you think. Irrespective of your financial position you should always make a Will if you have children under the age of 18.

If you contact us about making a Will:

  • We will meet you face to face to discuss exactly what it is that you want and what your circumstances are.
  • We will advise you about how to achieve your objectives and tell you if inheritance tax planning is relevant or if a Trust might be appropriate in your Will.
  • We will help you decide who should be the Executors of your Will.
  • We will prepare your Will in draft and send it to you together with any written advice that may be necessary.
  • We will deal with any queries you may have and amend the draft Will as necessary until it is exactly what you want.
  • We will then see you in order for you to sign the Will at our offices to make sure that it is witnessed in the correct legal manner.
  • We will then store your Will for you at no cost in our secure Will storage facility if you wish to take advantage of this and will provide a copy for your records.

Whether your affairs are complicated or simple we can prepare a Will to suit you and we will make the process as easy for you as possible.

We offer fixed fees for simple Wills . Please contact us for further information.

Our experts in this field

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Jayne Bertie

Associate Solicitor
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Jill Hill

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Michelle O’Neill

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Simon Stevenson

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Hayley Stevenson

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