Wills and Inheritance Disputes

It is increasingly common for there to be disputes involving estates after a death.

People’s family and domestic arrangements have become more complicated in recent years, and it is not unusual for part of the family to feel very unhappy about what has happened.

Challenging a Will can be upsetting, and we are used to dealing with disputes involving estates and Wills in a sensitive manner, and in resolving such disputes as quickly and cost effectively as possible.

Disputes can arise in all sorts of circumstances, but the following are the ones we come across most frequently:

  • The person who died was not mentally capable of making a Will
  • The person who died was pressurised to make their Will.
  • The Will does not provide for a person who should have been provided for (for example an unmarried partner or a young child)
  • Poor administration of an estate or a Trust.
  • Resolving disputes between Executors, or between Executors and beneficiaries.

Lauren Sayer, our Head of Litigation, specialises in dealing with these types of disputes. It is a complex area of law and Lauren can help you to resolve the problem and if at all possible to settle it without the need for Court Proceedings. They will talk to you at the beginning about costs and the likely financial implications of the options available to you.

Our experts in this field

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Lauren Sayer

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Sukhi Mills

Associate Solicitor
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